With a population of 1.3 million, Edmonton is a big city with a big library. EPL operates its 21 branches ("Find a Location", n.d.) with over 500 employees on an annual budget of almost 60 million Canadian dollars. ("Building EPL : 2016 Annual Report, 2016). With an organization that large, it is easy to imagine barriers to providing individualized services for all the various groups that make up the demographic profile of Edmonton. However, EPL has made the strategic decision of being a community-led organization that sees its mission as providing barrier-free access to all individuals of constituent groups some of whom are pictured above. This philosophy is instilled in all their employees.
Although standardized core programs are offered in all branches, branch employees have the option of choosing from many additional standardized programs depending on the size, staffing level and localized community of the branch. Many of these programs were originally developed in one specific branch but became standardized across branches because they were successful and could be valuable to communities served by other branches. Often, program curricula are provided to branches that help librarians replicate successful programs from other branches (C. Munro, personal communication, April 12, 2018).
In addition, community librarians, who spend the majority of their work day outside the branch they are assigned to are free to provide any type of program to schools or other community organizations when they identify a need (C. Munro, personal communication, April 12, 2018).
This philosophy dovetails with conclusions in the Aspen Institute : Rising to the Challenge report which reflects the idea that libraries are more than the buildings they reside in. "People are at the center of the library’s mission to inspire and cultivate
learning, advance knowledge and nurture and strengthen communities" (Garmer, 2014, p. 10).
"Take away my people, but leave my factories, and soon grass will grow on the factory floors. Take away my factories, but leave my people, and soon we will have a new and better factory." (attributed to Andrew Carnegie in Garmer, 2014, p. 10)
The video below highlights one of the ways the staff of EPL make personal connections with community members. A young woman explains, how important her weekly visits to the library as a child were to her and how she believes EPL has transformed her life and her community.
Who are the "PEOPLE" of EPL?
How does EPL serve them?
Indigenous People
EPL has partnered with Canadian Native Friendship Center to teach both children and adults to make traditional arts and crafts ("Traditional Arts and Crafts", n.d.). They also offer Cree language learning programs to anyone interested in learning this traditional language which not only builds connections but ensures the continuance of this native language ("nehiyawe: Cree Language Learning", n.d.).
EPL facilitates the sharing of the stories of indigenous people with Voices of Amiskwaciy by hosting a website that enables participants to share their stories but also provides forums for indigenous people and Canadian newcomers to meet and connect.
Authors and Writers of all Types
EPL hosts a Writers in Residence program. These resident authors provide writing workshops for new and emerging writers with showcases that highlight new and emerging literary works. ("Writer-in-Residence", n.d.). New and previously unpublished writers can print their own books using EPL's Espresso Book Machine ("Book Printing", n.d.).
Edmonton's Poet Laureate program is supported jointly by the City of Edmonton, the Edmonton Public Library and the Edmonton Arts Council. Open mic poetry nights are held to encourage poets to share their works ("Poet Laureate", n.d.).
Artistic and Technology Content Creators
With their ability to embrace new technologies, most EPL branches have makerspaces that are filled with emerging technologies to enable patrons to be their creative best. Technology offerings include sound booths, green screens and virtual reality visors and computers. They also offer access to equipment that saves the past by allowing patrons to digitize their old home movies ("EPL Makerspace", n.d.).
Since Libraries are public spaces many visual artists have the opportunity to display their works of art for the community in public galleries in the various branches. Keeping with their Community-Led mission, local artists are given preference ("Community Gallery FAQs", n.d.).
People Experiencing Homelessness
Children & Teens
Welcome Baby Literacy Kits are given to all visitors to Public Health Centers during baby’s 2 month immunization visit. Babies can get library cards and a free board book (available in multiple languages) at their first visit to an EPL branch ("Welcome Baby FAQ's", n.d.).
Junior and senior high students can find a safe place and homework help at EPL branches. New immigrant teens can visit the library after school for the "Learning Table" program which provides homework help and English language practice. No registration is required for this program which lowers barriers to attendance. ("The Learning Table", n.d.)
Immigrants and Canadian Newcomers
Community librarians in every EPL branch help Canadian newcomers with settlement services such as sharing information on housing and government programs, providing english language learning services and helping newcomers develop social networks ("Newcomers to Canada", n.d.).
EPL has created Family Language Kits which contain 4 bilingual picture books, 1 picture dictionary, 1 Teach Me English book and CD. in English and Cree, Spanish, French, Arabic, Somali, Punjabi, Urdu, German, Tagalong, Japanese, Hindi, Chinese which can be checked out. Not only do these kits introduce children to reading and the English language, they also help parents practice their English skills. ("English Language Learners", n.d.).
Job Seekers
From job search advice to high speed internet access, to many career, government and industry databases, all EPL branches support those looking for jobs. In addition, they provide many volunteer opportunities that allow job seekers to make important business connections ("Career Corner", n.d.).
Those searching for employment can also attend career counseling programs and resume review sessions at many of the branches ("Career Corner", n.d.).
Next, visit the PLACE page of this website to see how EPL meets this challenge.