Mission and Values
EPL's primary mission is "We share"
The Shared Values Wheel to the right represents EPL's mission and values and shows their inter connectivity.
"Passionate about sharing" is at the core of their values. EPL provides value to their users by offering access to information coupled with impeccable service. Part of their customer service is being easy to use and "being human", in other words, demonstrating active listening skills and compassion. Innovating new ideas rounds out the four main tenants.
At the wheel's perimeter are ways in which the four main principles are achieved. For instance, one of the main ways of providing access to materials and services is through being a "knowledge seeker". If the staff continually seeks after wisdom, they will look for ways to convey that knowledge to their users.

The Mission of Sharing at EPL
With annual physical and electronic circulation topping 11 million in 2017, EPL certainly shares their collection with the people of Edmonton ("Key Performance Indicators", n. d.).
Starting with the addition of 17 community librarians in 2008, EPL made the commitment to share in more profound ways with community members (Berry III, 2014). Community librarians spend the majority of their time outside of the library buildings to share stories, experiences and ideas with community members who may not be able to physically come to a library branch. Getting input from the community in this way allows EPL to understand and lower barriers that community members may face when trying to access library services.
EPL encourages discourse with their community members by offering many opportunities for the community to comment on their programs and services. In fact, at this point in time there are five reports posted in the publications page of the website that asked library visitors and community members their opinions about various functions of EPL ("News and Publications", n.d.).
When the Edmonton City Council approved $62.5 million for the revitalization of the Stanley Milner branch, one of the first steps EPL staff took was to ask the people of Edmonton what they needed from the downtown branch. Almost 2,000 people, including individuals from all walks of life, community leaders and business leaders offered their opinions which helped inform the final building plans ("What We Heard", n.d.).
Intellectual Freedom
EPL supports the tenets of Intellectual Freedom by providing uncensored access to a variety of material formats and opinions.
"Libraries have a core responsibility to safeguard and facilitate access to constitutionally protected expressions of knowledge, imagination, ideas, and opinion, including those which some individuals and groups consider unconventional, unpopular or unacceptable." -Canadian Federation of Library Associations
Next, gain an overall perspective of EPL by reading the STATISTICS page.