In summary, EPL is utilizing modern public library trends such as wayfinding, self-service/automation and social media with the goal of lowering barriers to service for all communities in Edmonton. They utilize philosophies such as those found in Rebuilding Our Image Building our Brand (Gross, 2013) and Aspen Report : Rising to the Challenge (Garmer, 2014) to shape their mission for the people of Edmonton. Even such a forward-thinking organization like EPL must always be working toward improvement otherwise they run the risk of becoming obsolete in our quick-changing, technology-driven world. In the spirit of EPL's philosophy of "we share", we would like to offer advice on several ideas for continued improvement.
After all, as stated in their Shared Values statement (EPL Shared Values, 2010):
"We are lifelong learners. We are always growing and improving who we are and what we do"
For a audio version of the conclusions of this report, please view the video recorded by Diana Ojeda below.
ALL staff must feel valued:
EPL employs over 500 people in their library system and is known for innovative, forward thinking services to their communities. Before EPL changed the overall structure of their programming and branch services, all managers were required to read Good to Great : Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't (Collins, 2001). Lessons from this book helped managers remake EPL into the organization it is today. However, some long-time employees, had a difficult time adjusting to the new service model and philosophy.
These employees believed that some of the creative aspects of their positions were taken away as a result of moving to this new model (L. Garvin, personal communication, April 23, 2018). Although EPL is very open about changes in operations to the public, they may be able to prevent some of the negative reviews of their own employees by ensuring each manager personally relates changes and updates to their subordinates in a timely manner. In-person staff meetings or one-on-one discussions with carefully crafted messages meant to give clear and consistent information about change may help all employees feel more valued.
New signage may make it easier to find materials:
According to Linda Garvin, Director, Branch Services and Community Engagement, signage and wayfinding is an area for potential improvement. This past year, two interns at EPL studied how signage and wayfinding aids have been working since the redesign. The study found that the current signage works well to identify large areas or departments of each branch which helps customers, in general, to know where to go. It seems, however, they need to extend signage to smaller areas. Possibly coming up with a plan to indicate general subject areas or popular authors. As Linda put it "EPL needs to become more granular in their labeling and signage" (L. Garvin, personal communication, April 23, 2018).
Internet presence
Make a good website even better:
Although EPL has an easy-to-navigate and appealing website, they can improve their internet presence by providing more information about their branches. While they list hours of operation, a calendar of programs and a basic list of services provided at each branch, profiles and photos of staff members, would make the branches seem more welcoming. New library patrons who visit a branch after seeing the profiles on the website would recognize a familiar, welcoming face once they physically entered a branch.
Underserved Group
Additional services to small business community:
Although EPL provides extensive services to those looking for a job or to change careers, they could serve additional Edmontonians by offering more services to small or new businesses such as:
Offering programs and services such as those at San Jose Public Library in San Jose, California, which teach small business owners how to write a business plan and other entrepreneurial skills.
Creating co-working spaces like those at Richland Public Library in Columbia, South Carolina or New York Public Library in New York City, New York which allow small business owners to use desks, free wifi and lounge seating for business meetings.
Utilizing the already strong connection with city government and the University of Alberta to establish a business start up school such as the one at the Apache Junction Public Library .
Partner with groups such as StartUp Edmonton, Start Up Canada or South Edmonton Business Association to give local business professionals the opportunity to speak about the business climate in Edmonton and to share their expertise with other local business professionals.​